Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Tangled Mess

Ok Confession, I am horrible at anything beauty related. Hair, Make-up, Clothes.. You name it! I am aesthetically challenged in those departments. But since this blog is a journey of trying new things, I couldn't leave out the hairstyles and beauty part of pinterest now could I?

Ok OK so it's 2:00 in the morning and I told myself I wouldn't sleep until I got the Fishtail braid right. I have three how-to links pinned to "beauty fun" pinboard and I still had to try like 6 times to get it close to being right. I think I overthought it too much. Maybe. I also am tired... but anyway here is a journey in pictures followed by some helpful links to get it right. The first ones you see are my attempts and the last picture you see is the point where I was "close enough" to stop trying.. for now... I will keep you posted more on my progress later.


Here are the links

Happy Braiding ya'll. Until Next Time. Erin Out! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Tale of Two Yarns.

So I LOVE to Crochet, I follow all kinds of Crochet pinboards on Pinterest. Lately I've been learning how to crochet hearts, one pattern you can see I succeeded in in the previous posting.

Another Pattern I really liked, I came to find out was in some Slavic language, I took it to google translate and the translated pattern SEEMED doable... but turns out, they have different lingo for crocheting there and half way through the project I got Lost.... This was the result:

This was supposed to be the end result:Pretty Heart
Alas that didn't work out, however my daughter's "Baby" Named "Baby" has been naked for sometime so I found an awesome pattern for an infant dress to dress her in, and succeeded in making it. HINT: the pattern calls for 3oz of yarn, but in actuality it took about 6oz. 

I made her a matching headband too! Message me if you'd like a pattern to the headband, The dress pattern can be found  

And with some of the left over yarn, I made my cat a Toy :)

Now I know what you're thinking.. What's for Lunch?? Well, I found a splendid and easy recipe that I absolutely HAD to try. It had three of my favorite things in it.. what is it? Well I will tell you, Mozarella, Avocado and Tomato Salad.... Delicious AND healthy!
Now I have two cats, Juliet and Jubilee, and between the two of them and my two year old sometimes my apartment begins to smell a little funky... so I found this awesome Idea on pinterest where you put whole coffee beans in bowls with tea lights and the fire from the tea light makes the coffee smell spread wonderfully. I went to my local grocery store and poured myself some vanilla coffee beans, and at Joanne's they were selling cheap heart shaped bowls for valentines day, so I bought TWO. The end result is splendid, my apartment is now festive and smelling like a vanilla latte.. MMMM!!!

Stay tuned: coming up next week, more yarn hearts, a craft made from oatmeal cylinders, and special Valentines day treats!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Getting Pinterested; The Beginning.

  Now that I have graduated College and am currently and unemployed stay at home (single) Mom, I need to find something to do with myself so I don't go crazy thinking about the prospects and the future and fiscal things..etc. I have recently broken up with Facebook and Married Pinterest.

  If you don't know what that means. It's ok. Don't worry about it.

  Every day I have pinning dozens upon dozens of craft projects. DIY projects, homemade treasures, recipes etc. And to motivate myself to do those things I have additionally begun this blog.

  Every week I will document the project(s) that I have taken upon myself to learn and do from

Please feel free to follow me and cheer me on.

  So far I have tried new hairstyles, learned how to crochet hearts, and made a fabric canvas with button embellishment. And I haven't even had pinterest for two weeks yet. OH MY! This is gonna be fun!

Boho Hairstyle

Crochet Heart
Fun Hair style.

The Inspiration